Window 95 On Apple Watch

    Window 95 On Apple Watch
    Window 95 On Apple Watch

    Window 95 On Apple Watch: Developer made Apple Watch a computer really they made it to able to run Windows 95 which makes watch small computer and can do many thing and made it highly productive. By this shows that technology is advance in such a small device which run whole windows which is not possible in 90’s. 

    Window 95 On Apple Watch
    Window 95 On Apple Watch

    Window 95 On Apple Watch:

    Nick Lee a developer who made this achievement and done this tremendous job, through some experiments has actually managed to install Microsoft’s Windows 95 on an Apple Watch which itself a phenomenal job. This not the first time Lee has done something great he also managed to run Mac OS 7.5.5 some time ago. Doing this type of thing in small smartwatch is very good job.

    Window 95 On Apple Watch
    Window 95 On Apple Watch
    Window 95 On Apple Watch
    Window 95 On Apple Watch
    Window 95 On Apple Watch
    Window 95 On Apple Watch

    As we seen the OS run very good and things are great in performance. Lee also open Start menu and also open program. He further points out that the Apple Watch’s 520 MHz processor is about 25 times faster than a 386 processor, the minimum processor required to install Windows 95. This shows how Apple watch is able to take tough task. He also explain how could able to run the Windows 95, he said that it is possible to patch certain files within a WatchKit app, and then load a user’s desired code instead of Apple’s which Lee believes is restrictive when it comes to controls.

    He also tells about how user can able to run and due to it is emulated not pre-installed it takes time to boot for about a hour.


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