WhatsApp Soon Bring Feature Voicemail and A New Font: WahtsApp most beloved and most used app all around the world has got new update which really make this app a really interesting app for phones as today beta of WhatsApp version 2.16.189 has received new update which add WhatsApp feature of Voicemail which best feature in perspective of phones as if the other user is not able to receive call other user can send Voicemail to notify about the issue as this is first app to get this feature and really great one.

WhatApp also adds a new font which make text much nice look and easy to read chats. As the also add user can send message in plain text by adding the grave accent symbol (‘) three times and much more like this as asterisk, underscore or tilde symbol.
Whats app also add ability to reply specific message in chat window which already rolled out in last update. As these new feature will make there way to stable version within months soon. Video calling in WhatApp may also get its ability soon.