Naming The Next Android That Is: N

    Android N Naming Images
    Android N Naming

    Naming The Next Android That Is: N: As the seventh instalment of Android is approaching developer sees is hard to what the next Android to be called. As Google announced on it’s I/O about they face difficulty to name next Android “Android N” as the company sum up with PNI which naming company as they tries to name what the next “N” will called as possibly it will be name over some tasty treats. Google also wanted user to give their suggestion at mentioning website. Google Android version name over treat version like lollipop, kit Kat, jelly bean, marshmallow, cupcake, gingerbread and so on.

    Android N Naming Images
    Android N Naming

    Naming The Next Android That Is: N

    • Google has open a portal name your Android for anyone who is interested to give their suggestion staring with letter N. People can choose any word relevant to alphabet N and their no limits for words.
    • This more motivation step toward user to feel the next version for them-self as the name it. Google said it reserves the right to do as it pleases, citing in the guidelines that “this is solely intended to be for entertainment purposes”.
    • The submission greetings is “sweet” what will you choose. As Google put the deadline to this series until June 8 so fill your suggestion as soon as possible.
    • While there is a video from PNI Professional Naming Inc which gives names to products as they have suggested the next “N” will be marshmallow, nutmeg, nuts, nachos, Nutella and much more.

    As rumors around the internet many suggest the next version of Android OS Nutella or hazel as we get hinting from Google back in March. So there is lots of time to think What next N would be as you any tell in comment section and we’ll submit your naming to Google.


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