Microsoft Surface Pro 5 Expecting To Have Kaby Lake Processor

    Microsoft Surface Pro 5 Expecting To Have Kaby Lake Processor
    Microsoft Surface Pro 5 Expecting To Have Kaby Lake Processor

    Microsoft Surface Pro 5 Expecting To Have Kaby Lake Processor: Microsoft has launched its Surface Pro 4 nearly one an half year ago and it was a successful device among the consumers. Now the users of Surface Pro are expecting the upgrade in the device which is no doubt very obvious for the users. There is actually no details available that can reveal so much about the upgrades to the Surface lineup of Microsoft.

        Intel’s Latest Kaby Lake Processor In Surface Pro 5

    As per the latest report, there would be not so much change in the Surface Pro 5 in comparison to its predecessor Surface Pro 4. According to the blogger of Windows Paul Thurrott, the next generation of Windows Surface Pro may have Kaby Lake processor which is the Seventh generation of Intel. He also indicates that in the updated Surface Pro no major changes would be seen.

    The power connector will be same on Surface Pro 5 as present in Surface 4, the only major change we might have to see will be latest Kaby Lake Processor while in Surface Pro 4 Skylake processor was used which is the last generation of Intel.

    However, it is saying that Surface Pro 5 will be compatible with the accessories, type cover keyboards and the desktop docking station of Surface Pro 3 and Pro 4. The pricing detail and the detail about whether it have USB-C port are still not confirmed.


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