Microsoft Edge say goodbye to Flash by the end of 2020

Flash Death From Web Browsers
Flash Death From Web Browsers

Adobe Flash is one of the major technology behind the Website design earlier than 2008. But after 2008 the decline in the popularity of Flash result in the retirement of its support from the Web Browsers, many Web Browsers were earlier remove their support which includes Safari earlier in 2008 after the introduction of iPhone. While the newer technology like CSS (Cascade StyleSheet) and JS (JavaScript) has already taken Flash role from 2008 and till now all Website and Web element made from these technologies but still some website support Flash but there are only a few browsers which support Flash till date.

Microsoft is one of them to say goodbye to Flash as they plan to retire Flash in all the version of Microsoft Edge and Internet Explorer by the end of 2020. Microsoft recently developing their Chromium-based Edge Browser, which means that the design of browser will develop by Microsoft but then engine inside the browser will be from Google.

Recently flash will be disabled for many users on a site by site basis, Flash will completely stop supporting by the end of 2020. Group policies are available for enterprise admins and IT pros to change the Flash behavior before that date.

There are more than hundreds and Thousand of service or website uses Flash so their developer should need to update their website to support a more modern approach. Microsoft can reason this behavior as their laptop or tablet devices need the battery and Flash is less optimize in terms of battery which can be acceptable for many developers.

Abode Flash has many drawbacks in terms of its performance but in terms of technology, it provides developer an edge to create the more amazing website we haven’t seen ever before. There is a long story between Adobe and various other companies which causes the death of Flash. Hope we will write something about this issue in our other articles until then please join us for more tech news.

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Hope so you all like this content-rich article, this article is written by Faizan Akhtar, he is interested in the domain of Microsoft, it who collected all information and leaks regarding this topic and compile in one place. You can follow him on Twitter.

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