Knock Knock It’s Duo:Smooth Video Call Fast On Slow Internet

    Duo Video Call,Fastest Video Call,Google Duo
    Knock Knock It's Duo

    Knock Knock It’s Duo:Smooth Video Call Fast On Slow Internet: Google finally released their most anticipated video calling platform called as Google Duo. App has released earlier this week and become trending as soon as it releases. Google has first revealed this service along side with another messaging platform called as Google Allo in Google I/O 2016 3 month ago. While Allo is still not available for user but soon to reach all of us. Talking about Duo is not any thing Google introduce as there are many services already we are using widely like FaceTime in Apple or Skype in all platform. As we heard Duo first time remind us this word is taken by Video Word but there is no revelation about this.

    Duo Video Call,Fastest Video Call,Google Duo
    Knock Knock It’s Duo

    But the point focus on is that this service has many new feature which make this app different from other as we put focus on all these feature in our discussion. Google is focusing on basic need for human life is communication which makes people close to each other even they are at different end of the world. Duo is also gives simplified way to interact with people and with any bandwidth connection. So let’s get started.

    Knock Knock It’s Duo:Smooth Video Call Fast On Slow Internet:


    Knock Knock 

    Knock Knock is distinct feature which make this App different from other app as it allow people to see live video of a caller who is in their phone book before answering call. This feature makes aware user by what intention caller is calling and is it right time to talk or not.

    By using this feature get your interaction with this app more as this is best feature found in any app. While user can on or off Knock Knock feature in settings so don’t worry if you don’t want to use it.

    Duo Video Call,Fastest Video Call,Google Duo
    Knock Knock It’s Duo

    Zero Call Lag

    Zero Call Lag is the feature which make this app to first have it as it reduced time between connection between user which means user don’t have to wait for ringing then call been ring on other side they other will response.
    As it means as you pick up you phone and launch app you are ready to call other person any ringing wait as call also reach other side very fast as you tap calling button. This feature allows Knock Knock feature more useful as people have to wait while app is connecting it to other side.
    Zero Call Lag also reduces connection time between user as you received the call you are good to go.

    End-To-End Encryption

    Privacy is the main reason we use secure way to communication many messaging platform like WhatsApp or more are using end to end encryption. Duo also favour this feature which make this app really sucre way to communicated among users without being worry about their privacy.
    Duo also receive this feature in Audio calling feature which will soon update as it arrives.

    One Tap To Duo

    Duo is simply based on one tap UI as you start the app you are good to go. Duo UI is very easy and clean without any setting option, contacts, calling details and much more as soon you launch the app it start simply tap camera icon on the bottom side and call while most user contact will remain their so you can quickly tap to call them.
    Setting option also is very thin and light without too much confusing option. Setting option have option like turn off Knock Knock, Un-register Phone number and Block unwanted contact. Help and Feed back is also available. Duo switched call between Wi-Fi and Cellular data seamlessly without any issue.

    Duo Video Call,Fastest Video Call,Google Duo
    Knock Knock It’s Duo

    Low Bandwidth Connectivity

    Duo also support Low Bandwidth Connectivity which means it allow user to make call even having low internet connection. As is uses HEVC 265 which is used by Apple FaceTime app as it allow to send better quality data in low memory consumption.
    So in real life situation these promises are standing as we tried this App is very low connection and it performed very well and don’t drop call even if network is too low.

    Getting Start 

    Setting up app is the one of the simplest method to do it. It doesn’t require any Google Account Simply log your mobile number and done as like WhatsApp. After this there is instruction and privacy restriction which allow by user to allow App to use Camera, Microphone and Contacts.

    Download for Android Click Here

    Download for iOS Click Here

    How To Sign In To Duo
    Sign In To Duo


    This app has really gives tough competition other like Apple’s FaceTime, Microsoft’s Skype or much more. As this app is compatible to all iOS and Android user using iOS 9.3 and Android 4.4.x or later version of these software.
    As compare this App with Apple most Popular FaceTime both these uses all these same feature except Duo Knock Knock feature which is not available in FaceTime other wise both are same feature app with Simple UI.

    Duo Video Call,Fastest Video Call,Google Duo
    Duo Smooth Video Call Fast On Slow Internet

    So Far..

    This app really gain many attraction from all over world which made this app most popular app ever crossing Pokemon Go credibility. App is coming Top charts in every App Store or Play Store of World. So is really nice to see how much this app gains success and how far it go. App is free for download so why waiting let go it Duo time.


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