iPhone Market Share Grow Significantly In US: As per the quarterly smartphone sales data released by Kantar world panel, apple has increased its sale very much in the three months ending in October. From every 10 sales of the smartphone in the US,  4 was of iPhone during that time. Apple shows a sharp rise in the smartphone market during the period.

iPhone Market Share Growth: 

According to Kantar’s data, in the US iPhone shares 40.5% of smartphone sales. In the three months ending in October2016, it shows an increase in 7%  from 33.5% of smartphone sales to 40.5%.  It is the impressive growth of iPhone over years.

In September 2016 iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 plus was introduced in the market and Kantar’s quarterly report ending in October, so the sale of these new smartphones includes  for about month and a half in Kantar’s report.

According to the reports of Kantar iPhone 7 was on top in the sale of smartphones in the three months ending in October 2016 that was 10.6% of total smartphone sales and with 5.3% share of smartphone  sale  iPhone 7 plus was 4th best-selling smartphone, with the fact  that these devices were available for the half period of the three months.

During that time,  Recall of Samsung’s flagship Galaxy Note 7 smartphones  proved beneficial for apple. After its launch, it recalls its device after few weeks and it was the time before apple had started delivering of its iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 plus devices.

With the report of an increase in the sale of iPhone in US Kantar reports two other necessary takeaways for apple investors:

  • Android operating system shares 57.9 % sale of smartphones which is more than apple’s operating system 5% Share. However, it is important to note that apple’s operating system is used only in its own phone but the android operating system is available in different smartphone devices.


  • Google’s pixel shares good sale of 0.5% of all smartphone sale in the US, it is notable because it was available from 20th October 2016 only for 11 days of kantar’s data report. Huawei and Microsoft shares same 0.5% sale of total smartphones matching with Google’s pixel share.



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