iMovie v 10.1.2: Let’s See Some Of It’s Awesome Features:After long time Apple rolled out updates for iMovie video editing software on Macs.The update is small which is slight bump from previous app to version 10.1.2 and follows an update that fixed YouTube sharing bugs and improved stability. Update include design improvement,navigation improvement and bug fixes.

iMovie v 10.1.2: Let’s See Some Of It’s Awesome Features:
What’s New in it?
- Apple has made easier to find New Project button and introduce fast project creation to easily editing clips with a click. There were many changes like if you click a single video clip, the entire clip is now selected, whereas previously only a range of it was selected.
iMovie v 10.1.2 - Apple also introduce new keyboard shortcuts for selecting the range of a clip in the browser and timeline. You can now simply hold down the R key while dragging to do so.
iMovie v 10.1.2 - Apple also make changes in iOS version of apps with expansion of iPad Pro and Apple TV usage. User can download update in Mac app store in there Mac devices.
What’s New in Version 10.1.2
- Easy to find New Project button in the Projects browser
- Larger project thumbnails that match the look of iMovie for iOS
- Fast project creation lets you begin editing with a single click
- Clicking a video clip selects the entire clip, instead of a range
- Keyboard shortcut to select range within a clip in the browser and timeline (hold down R key while dragging) • Support for App Preview resolutions for iPad Pro (1600 x 1200) and Apple TV (1920 x 1080) • Improves stability