Google & Levi’s Smart Jacket Arrive At This Fall At $350: Near about two years ago, Google and Levi’s shown their interest to work on connected garments, the idea that will be a completely revolutionary change in the market of wearables. On retail, this jacket will cost you $350. The jacket will be available at stores from this fall. By wearing this jacket you just don’t need to put another screen on your body.
You will be able to control your smartphone by swiping of a cuff.By just brushing the sleeves user will be able to navigate Google map, make phone calls and can play music. The connected jacket called the commuter uses Google Jacquard technology which will turn its denim fabric into the gesture controlled canvas. The commuter will have the Bluetooth cuff that will be pair with the smartphone.

Smart Jacket By Google & Levi’s:
It will work on touch sensitive technology. The technology woven into fibers, have metallic alloy with natural and synthetic yarn. The user will receive information about the incoming call, the direction of roads etc. through the headphones so without any obstruction they will have concentrate on road. The best thing in the smart fibers is that it will be washable. You just need to remove the cufflinks while washing the jacket. The cufflink will come with two-day battery life.
This smart commuter jacket will be different from other smart clothing in view that it will come with features that will solve the problems that everyday people face instead that just marketing the tech. The company is making the commuter jacket for the everyday consumer in a stylish way so if they may not be interested in technology but likes the features that may present in the jacket.
However, it will be interesting to see how much it will be acceptable by people specifically on summer days. By 2018, these wearables are expected to be a $19-billion industry according to Juniper Research. By the last few years, the market of wearables have increased with the involvement of products like Fitbit fitness trackers, Android wear watches and most importantly Apple Smart Watch.
After the partnership of Google and Levi’s, technology and fashion industry will work together and surely give something different product to the consumer and it will be the revolutionary change of technology and clothing.