E-Book Coming To Microsoft Store With The Update In Microsoft’s Window 10 Update: The rumor that Microsoft Will bring an e-book to Microsoft Store finally going to prove true. Microsoft will make an update to Windows 10 and after this, an e-book will have its place in Microsoft Store along with other Apps, games, music, TV shows and movies.

From the next month, users will be able to read, purchase and download books from the wide range of authors on Microsoft Edge. Apart from this Edge users will also able to bookmark books so that they can create collections. Edge is the exclusive feature of Microsoft, it is not available on Android or iOS so Microsoft’s user will be benefited by this feature. As Edge is the feature if Microsoft, it will be available on all Microsoft’s device such as on Microsoft Tablet, computers, and on phones.
E-Book To Be Added In Microsoft Store
Other features will also present in Microsoft Edge so that purchase and downloading of the e-book will be convenient. Customization options to Microsoft Edge’s e-book support feature such as themes, multiple fonts, and font size will also be included.

With the update of Windows 10, many new features will also be added to them such as a new 3D paint App so that you can easily create 3D objects. In the movie and TV Apps, 360- degree videos will also be supported. Microsoft is planning to bring an update as soon as possible they also made expected date this month on 14th. Hope next version of Windows may get major design changes as project Redstone 3 is already in progress with major design changes here and there so it exciting to see what Microsoft come next with their major update.