Bad NEWS for Need for Speed Game Lover: EA skip this year Need for Speed next sequel may release in 2017. Most thrilling and adventurous racing game Need For Speed may skip 2016 release as publisher Electronic Arts announced that another one of its major franchises will release on 2017. The next NFS will be developed by developer who build NFS Shift as they said “building upon the foundations that have been laid” which sound so promising and good.

Bad NEWS for Need for Speed Game Lover:
A announcement made by Ghost Games who develops NFS this 3 series said “We are now building upon the foundations that have been laid with Need for Speed and delivering our next game in 2017,”. “That’s not to say that we’re going quiet between now and then … far from it. We’ll be working with our community and there will be multiple opportunities to bring many of you into the studio in the coming months to get your feedback on where we’re headed.” As this feels like big and major announcement may get in 2017 which may get more thrilling experience who aspects. Ghost game earlier developed 2015’s and 2013’s NFS. As Ghost Games team include most experienced developed.
This is not first time as EA has skipped the annual release for the series as they had done earlier in 2014. NFS series is best driving experience games which gives you more adrenaline rush and excitement while playing this game as far fan are concerned they may little bit sad to listen this news but they may hope better of 2017 and this is real test for EA.