While during the teardown we get to know about new Apple Watch Series:
1. Apple Watch Series 2 Teardown
After the teardown of the iPhone 7 Plus, iFixit team also got their hand toward Apple new Watch Series 2. While during the teardown we get to know about new Apple Watch Series has larger battery cell along with a slightly rearranged internal layout.

As the iFixit team going inside the device they saw that Series 2 looks identical from outside with Series 1 while inside their is a little bit of arrangement change to place the battery. As new Apple Watch Series, 2 added new Waterproofing, New GPS, More Brighter Display and Larger Battery which made Apple to little bit arrangement change. iFixit team also discover that the device is repairable easy which is good for this device.

While during the teardown we get to know about new Apple Watch Series:
iFixit got their hands on a 38mm model of the Series 2 which contain a powercell rated at 4.35 V and 273 mAh to yield 1.03 Whr of power. While compared to earlier model this device has 13% more battery as the earlier model include 205 mAh. As this battery help device to run longer time as device include other factors like GPS and Display which takes battery consumption little more.
The new and improved Apple Watch Series 2 Display featuring OLED display having 1000 nits brightness so you can clearly see the device in sunlight. Apple uses same adhesive material as like
iPhone 7. While waterproofing of this device made it Swimproof up to 50 meters.

Apple also improves speakers of Apple Watch which eject water by vibrating when you get out of the water. Apple block speaker compartment so water won’t enter into the device.
2. iOS 10 Adoption Rate
It’s only about six days as Apple release iOS 10 for Public and adoption rates are touching the sky as now over 33% iOS compatible device has iOS 10 as this data is tracked by Mixpanel. The firm says iOS 10 tracking is at 34.4% of Apple devices up from initial figure 14% measure in 24 hours of initial launch day.
Apple also expecting iOS 10 to out par iOS 9 so while iOS share with 61.5 % of iOS device as on Sunday. As iOS 10 looks more lucrative deals among as new feature like Siri, Home App, iMessage and much more which lures app user to download new iOS. While as compared to iOS 9, iOS 10 still lacking behind as over 50% of devices download iOS 9 in just four days.