Apple Update iOS 9.3.3, OS X 10.11.6 and More New Beta


    Apple Update iOS 9.3.3, OS X 10.11.6 and More New Beta: Apple new OS update for iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch, Apple Watch, Apple TV and Mac are release today which include iOS 9.3.3, watchOS 2.2.2, tvOS 9.2.2 and OS X 10.11.6 El Capitan while all these updates doesn’t bring any new feature to all these devices instead it gives some bug fixes and minor improvement.
    iOS 9.3.3

    Apple Update iOS 9.3.3
    Apple Update iOS 9.3.3

    Apple this small update get series of beta version which account upto beta 6 which releases earlier this month. As this update doesn’t have some major changes as update really brings minor changes as landscape 3D touch lag in iPhone 6s Plus model while respring bug and circular icon bug still present even though these bug doesn’t create mess in iOS 10. On the other hand new update minutely increases performance here and there.

    Apple Update iOS 9.3.3, OS X 10.11.6 and More New Beta:

    Apart from these Apple also releases update for iOS 10 beta user beta 3 which include certain changes in overall UI and certain new feature which enhances power of iPhone and other devices. The new iOS 10 dev beta 3 improves on the phone lockscreen with sounds and haptic feedback, the clock in the status bar, the image picker in Messages, and adds an option to send files to iCloud Drive from Mail and Safari. While Public beta which surely make its way around a week.
    OS X 10.11.6 El Capitan

    Apple Update OS X 10.11.6
    Apple Update OS X 10.11.6

    While new OS X receive only some bug fixes and security improvement while update is available in Mac App Store while update is small and only take minutes to install.
    Apart from this Apple also introduce new macOS Sierra Beta 3 which brings feature like Auto Unlock with Apple Watch, Siri and much more. User can directly install update from Mac App Store. Public beta also make its entrance around this week.
    watchOS 2.2.2

    Apple Update Watch OS
    Apple Update Watch OS

    Apple along side from main stream also update Apple watch to build 2.2.2 which get fixed around two month of beta improvement. As update is mainly focused on bug fixes. User can download update from iPhone as update is available on the device.
    Along side this Apple also update new beta version of watchOS 3 including new breath feature, instant app opening and much more. Beta user can download it form iPhone as update is available.
    tvOS 9.2.2

    Apple Update TVOS
    Apple Update TVOS

    Apple also introduce update for tvOS which is minor but make user experience more rich as bug fixes and feature make the Apple TV really a future of tv.


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