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What is WirelessHART? Advantages & Industrial Application

What is WirelessHART? Advantages & Industrial Application
What is WirelessHART? Advantages & Industrial Application

Do you know what is wirelessHART? In automation industries and manufacturing plants, there is a constant requirement of accessing data from every process to control and regulate the processes effectively. So, to access the data, wires are used to form a connection between sensors and central control applications. HART is one of the most popular hybrid protocols being used in automation industries. HART (Highway Addressable Remote Transducer) protocol allows digital signals from sensors to overlay analog signals and then transmit information to central management software. 

As the HART technology employs wires to transmit data, it becomes difficult for industries to halt their operation, in case of rewiring or sudden fault in any line. To overcome these problems associated with the HART protocol, WirelessHART protocol has been developed by HART Communication Foundation. WirelessHART can be seen as an upgraded version of the HART protocol with several advantages over HART. 

So, let’s deep dive into the WirelessHART protocol and understand what it is, where it is used and how it works.  

What is WirelessHART

WirelessHART is a network of spatially dispersed and dedicated wireless sensors for monitoring and recording the data from ongoing industrial processes and organizing data at a central database. It operates in the 2.4 GHz ISM band (reserved for industrial, scientific, and medical purposes) and uses IEEE 802.15.4 as a physical and media access layer.

It is license-free and used worldwide as a transfer medium for several wireless technologies like Bluetooth, Zigbee and WLAN. It is based on TSMP (Time Synchronized Mesh Protocol) technology. It means all the sensor devices stay synchronized to each other and send data in time slots. 

wirelessHART, What Is WirelessHart
What is WirelessHART & Its Principle

WirelessHART protocol consists of four main elements – Wireless field devices (radio stations), Gateways, Network manager, and the Host application. 

Wireless field devices are connected to a process or plant equipment. All devices are then connected to a Host application through Gateways. The network manager is used for scheduling communications between devices, managing message routes, and configuring the network.

How it works

WirelessHART employs a Flat Mesh Network Topology. In this topology, all field devices form a network and act as a signal source and a repeater simultaneously. A field device or original transmitter sends a signal to its nearest neighbor, which passes the message to the next sensor and this pattern goes on until the message reaches the actual receiver or base station.  

Some alternative routes are also provided so that messages can be transferred to an alternative route in case of some obstacle or defective receiver in the original path. So, to increase the reliability of a flat mesh network, some redundant connection routes are also provided. 

WirelessHART also makes use of TDMA (Time Division Multiple Access), which synchronizes the field devices in 10ms timeframes. Each device acts as an original transmitter only for 10ms and then goes to sleep or acts as a repeater. This ensures a very reliable, collision-free mesh network. As it also reduces the active time of a field device, hence help in saving power. 

WirelessHART makes use of all 15 channels as defined in IEEE802.15.4, all channels are connected in parallel. WirelessHART uses FHSS (Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum) to avoid jamming of signals from field devices. In FHSS, all channels that are already in use are blacked out to avoid collisions with signals from other devices.

This combination of 10ms timeframes synchronization and 15 channels gives WirelessHART protocol the ability to send 1500 messages or signals per second. 

Where it is used

It is mainly used in manufacturing industries, factories and automation plants. It helps in reaching every part of the plant to access information, which is not safe for manual checking or hazardous for humans. It is gaining wide acceptance in real time process industries. It is being regarded as a paradigm shifter in automation industries. 

Some of the applications for which it is used in industries are-

  1. Ensuring safety by portable gas monitoring,
  2. Measurement of mobile batch processes,
  3. Remote areas in petroleum and construction industries, 
  4. Monitoring of mechanical and electrical devices like the pump, motor, etc. 


WirelessHART has several advantages over its predecessor HART technology. It has better security, reliability and at the same time simpler to use. 

Security:  It is more secure as it has 128-bit AES encryption. It provides a unique encryption key for each message. As WirelessHART does not use TCP/IP protocol, it is safe from traditional hacker attacks. 

Reliability: In industries, working conditions, external noise, and electromagnetic interference pose a significant challenge to the uninterrupted transmission of signals. FHSS ensures the continuous transmission of information without any collision or interference. The time synchronization technique helps in getting signals from each field device with less power consumption. 

Simple: It is very simple to implement in an industry environment, with the added advantage of being compatible with existing HART devices and systems. Removal of wires makes it easy to maintain in case of a change in plant infrastructure. 


It can now be concluded that WirelessHART technology is going to make a positive change in various automation and manufacturing industries. Though, the success of this technology will mainly depend on the adoption of it by industries from various sectors. This is all for this blog post, see you later in the next blog.

Hope you all understand what is WirelessHART? For any doubt let us comment below we would love to answer you to stay connected with TechAwarness for more interesting articles. This article has been written by Sachin Singh. You can follow him on Twitter and Linkedin.

Radio Frequency Identification(RFID) Technology

RFID Explanation
RFID Explanation

Radio frequency Identification(RFID): You must have seen black and white stripes with a 12 digit unique code, called a Barcode, on the label of any daily use product. Have you ever wondered what is hidden in these black and white stripes? And, the answer is that it contains some basic information like price, weight, expiry, and manufacturer of the product.  I will go into details of it later in this article. There is another code, similar to a barcode, which you must have also observed earlier on the entry ticket of a show/ movie or while doing online payments in a grocery store. It is a 2D form of a barcode, also called a matrix barcode or more commonly as QR (Quick Response) code. It also information in the same way as the barcode. Differences between both will be covered later in this article.

Now, let’s talk about the main topic of this article- RFID. RFID can be seen as further advancement of barcode and QR code technology. But, these three technologies are not competing with each other, or in other words, each of them has a particular domain of application. You might have noticed RFID tags on the front mirror of a vehicle, being used for collecting toll tax, referred to as FASTag.

What is Radio Frequency Identification(RFID):

Radio Frequency Identification(RFID) is a type of wireless technology that uses electromagnetic fields or more specifically radio waves to passively identify and track tags attached to objects. Here, passively means tags are powered by energy from RFID reader’s interrogating radio waves and are not powered by a battery. There are active RFID tags also but are less popular. For inactive RFID tags, a battery is required to power the RFID tags. The biggest advantage of RFID tags is that they can be read outside the line-of-sight from the reader. Because of this advantage, an RFID reader can extract information from more than one RFID tag, which in turn increases productivity.

How Radio Frequency Identification(RFID) Works:

An Radio Frequency Identification(RFID) system basically consists of three components: a radio receiver or tags, a radio transmitter or readers, and an antenna. The reader sends radio waves to trigger the RFID tags and gets a signal back from the RFID tag. This signal contains information like a unique identity number, cost of the product, weight, manufacturer’s name. Information transmitted from RFID tags varies according to the application it is being used for. Information collected by the reader is transmitted through a communication interface to a database center, where useful information is extracted from that signal.

Barcode vs QR Code vs RFID

Barcode QR Code RFID
Read/Write CapabilityRead onlyRead onlyRead and write both
Storage capacityCan store only up to 20 characters Can store upto 1000 characters and numbers Store more information up to several thousands characters  
CostVery low costLow costQuite expensive
SecurityEasy to replicateEasy to replicateMore secure
ReliabilitySusceptible to damage in working environment Susceptible to damage in working environment Hidden inside the card, very low chances of damage
Reader position Line of sightLine of sight Line of sight not required
Range of readingUnder 1 feetSeveral inches to 1 feetUpto 30 feet
Common ApplicationIn daily use productsEntry tickets Automation industry
Barcode vs QR Code vs RFID


Application for RFID
Application for RFID

The use of Radio Frequency Identification(RFID) technology is increasing rapidly in various industries. Some of the applications for which RFID is being utilised in different industries are – 

  1. Inventory management,
  2. Personnel tracking,
  3. Pet tracking or recognition,
  4. Asset tracking, 
  5. Tool tracking


Though Radio Frequency Identification(RFID) technology has many advantages over Barcode and QR code, still these three are going to stay in the market. These three are being used for different applications according to the requirements. In coming years, if the cost of RFID technology decreases, as it usually happens with every new technology, we might see Barcodes being replaced by RFID tags in shopping malls and wholesale stores. It’s just a prediction, let’s see what happens. Stay tune with TechAwareness for interesting fact about technology.

This article has been written by Sachin Singh. You can follow him on Twitter and Linkedin.

What is LoRaWAN?: Latest Wireless Tech With More Wide Range

What is LoRaWAN, LoRaWAN
LoRaWAN: Latest Wireless Tech With More Wide Range

Do you know what is LoRaWAN? You must have used technologies like Bluetooth and wifi for sharing data between devices. So, you might be aware of the fact that these can only be used for sharing data between short distances. Then, what if we have to share some data to long distances. Here, comes the technology LoRa (Long Range), to help us. LoRa is a Low Power Wide Area Network (LPWAN) Protocol. So, let’s deep dive into this technology and understand What it is, How it works and Where it can be used.

What is LoRaWAN: A Brief

LoRa or Long Range is an LPWAN technology developed by Semtech Corporation. As it is an LPWAN technology, it works on Low Power, can transmit data over long distances, and uses a LoRaWAN(Long Range Wide Area Network) protocol. LoRa is being widely used in IoT devices and applications.

It is a proprietary spread spectrum modulation scheme that is based on Chirp Spread Spectrum (CSS) Technology. Chirp Spread Spectrum is a spread spectrum technique that uses wideband linear frequency modulated chirp pulses to encode information. Chirp in CSS means a tone in which the frequency increases (up-chirp) or decreases (down-chirp) with time. Spread Spectrum techniques are methods by which a signal is deliberately spread in the frequency domain.

What is LoRaWAN
LoRaWAN Latest Wireless Tech With More Wide Range


One might think that LoRa and LoRaWAN are the same things, because of their similar names and they are often used together. But, this is far from the truth. The basic difference between these two is that Lora covers the physical layer while LoRaWAN covers the upper layer.

LoRaWAN is a protocol located in the Media Access Control (MAC) layer that sends the signals from LoRa devices to the cloud. LoRaWAN allows low powered devices to communicate with internet-connected applications over long-range wireless networks. The LoRaWan protocols are defined by the LoRa Alliance (a non-profit association of more than 500 member companies).

How it Works:

To understand how it works, let’s take an example of a LoRa application in the Smart Lighting System. First, a LoRa enabled sensor is embedded in a street LED lamp. This sensor can control the actions of the lamp. Each sensor connects the lamp to a LoRa gateway. These gateways in turn are connected to LoRaWAN protocol. It transmits data from sensors in small data packets over incredible long-range distances (in a range of 15 to 30 miles). Lora uses a low bandwidth as it transmits over long distances.

Each gateway handles data and messages from all nearby lamps. Once a data or message reaches a gateway, it is transferred to LoRaWAN protocol. Here, the data is analyzed, and accordingly, decisions are made. The server controls lightning functions remotely like it dims the light if there is no person or vehicle nearby that street lamp. Thus, helps in saving a large amount of energy. LoRa operates in Radio Frequency(RF) bands, the value of which changes according to the region. For example, it operates on 868 MHz in Europe, 915 MHz in North America, and 923 MHz in Asia.


  • Long Lifespan: The battery life of LoRa is quite high compared to other technologies like Bluetooth and wifi. It can last for roughly 6 to 10 years as it operates for a very short time (in ms) and then goes to sleep (in s).
  • Longest Transmission Distance: It can transmit data up to five km in urban areas and 10 km in rural areas which is way higher compared to other technologies.


  • High cost: As it is a new technology, it is a bit costly, because of its low penetration in the market.
  • Low Transmission Speed: As LoRa has a comparatively narrow bandwidth, it has low transmission speed and is only suitable to transmit data from sensors.


Lora finds its best use in IoT devices and applications. Some of the sectors in which LoRa is playing a huge role or can be used in future are – 1.

  1. Supply Chain in Industrial Sector,
  2. Agriculture,
  3. Healthcare services,
  4. Energy and Urban Planning,
  5. Smart cities lighting and parking system.

So what are your views about this latest LoRaWAN technology do you thing its going to be new common and most widely use wireless tech as of wifi or the cost will act as hurdle? Comment us below

This article has been written by Sachin Singh. You can follow him on Twitter and Linkedin.

All-New iPad 2021 Specs With 10.5-Inch Display: Leaks & Rumors

iPad Pro Photoshop app
iPad Pro Photoshop app

As per the latest leaks, Apple is looking to update of ninth-generation iPad i.e iPad 2021 Specs With a 10.5-Inch Display and the A13 chip in the upcoming Spring of 2021, according to the Chinese website cnBeta. As per a report by iMore, the upcoming iPad 2021 specs will have minor changes and will inherit major of the features from their previous eighth-generation iPad. iPad 2021 specs will have a 10.5-inch LED display along with the A13 Bionic chip and 4GB of RAM. It will also have a thinner and lighter design as compared to the previous generation. It will also have a home button and lighting port that will help Apple to keep it in the budget area.

iPad 2021 Specs With 10.5-Inch Display & A13 Bionic Chip

It would be feasible to attain a wide-reaching 10.5-inch display and lean outline by reusing the chassis and front panel of the third-generation iPad Air. This appears exceedingly credible because Apple tends to percolate designs down its iPad listing. For instance, the fifth-generation iPad obtained the design of the first-generation iPad Air, the third-generation iPad Air approached the design of the 10.5-inch iPad Pro, whereas the design of the fourth-generation iPad Air received the design of the 11-inch iPad Pro.

All-New iPad 2021 Specs With 10.5-Inch Display: Leaks
iPad With 10.5-Inch Display Size

The eighth-generation iPad was 0.07 pounds heavier and 1.4mm broad than the third-generation iPad Air with 10.5-inch display size and keeps the Lighting port and Home Button, so it understandably encounters the revoke of what is anticipated from the ninth-generation iPad. By using this design again would permit us to keep the price down for the cost point of the iPad.

These alleged statements would also provide some comprehensible enhance over the present model while rebuilding the mid-range fourth-generation iPad Air having a 10.9-inch display size along with A14 chipset, USB-C, and touch-id integrated into the power button.

Though, it would be very unusual to update its entry-level iPad right away after the eighth-gen model was released. Apple brought to light the eighth-gen latterly in September along with the A12 Bitcoin chip. So far it was a very small or we can say minor amends, solitarily ameliorated to A12 Bionic chip from the A10 Fusion chip. There were no other peculiar changes. As the ninth gen iPad is being tittle-tattled to be launched shortly, for all one knows by the certitude that the recent changes were so minor.

The expected price of the upcoming ninth-gen iPad 2021 specs with a 10.5-inch display very likely would start at a moderately lower $299 price point with a storage layout of 64GB, which is twice that of the current-gen.

Apple Wearable Product Market Is Leading In Shipment In Q1 2020

Apple Watch Wearable Market Tops
LTPO display on Apple Watch From iFixIT

Apple is one of the leading brands in terms of its wearable products. Apple Smartwatch, AirPods, and other accessories are there which is giving good revenue to the company and according to the new report of IDC Apple is still continuing to maintain its position in the wearable market. We all are aware that nowadays demand for wearable products has already increased in the market in recent years and one of the hottest choices among the consumer is undoubtedly Apple wearables.

Apple Wearable leading major market share

In the first quarter of 2020, Apple shipped 21.2 million units of wearable products which are actually representing 29.3% of the total share and it is a big figure we can say. If we compare the growth of the company from the last year, then here this year it grew 13.3 million units or 23.7% of the market share.

Apple Watch Series 5 At Apple Special Event 2019 Sept 10
Apple Wearable Top in the market

This year’s growth is also important because there was less shipment of Apple Watch due to difficulties in the supply chain but the company still managed to achieve the strong growth and for this AirPods, lineup played a very important role. Because of the COVID-19 situation, people are working from home and for this obviously they need better devices and accessories for quality of work done by them, so here it leads to an increase in demand of wearable products.

Next to Apple, its Xiaomi Which shipped 10.1 million units in the first quarter of 2020 that holds 14.0% of market share. Apart from these two, other companies like Huawei, Samsung, and Fitbit also contributed to overall increased shipment of these products and results in the growth of 29.7% during the first quarter of 2020 with 72.6 million units. Soon Apple can also introduce its own brand over-ear AirPods Studio headphones probably at the end of the year and along with that chances are there that in the future shipment of wearable products will increase only.

How This Wallpaper Can Kill Your Android Smartphone

How This Wallpaper Can Kill Your Smartphone
How This Wallpaper Can Kill Your Smartphone

A few days ago, A renowned leakster who goes by the name of ‘Ice Universe’ over Twitter shared an Image file and warned all his audience not to use the prescribed image as wallpaper for their Android devices especially, The devices delivered by Samsung and Google. But as far as human behavior goes a bunch of his followers tried using the image as their wallpapers and most of them ended up regretting the decision because they soft-bricked their beloved smartphones while some of them were seen flaunting the same wallpaper on their devices. This soft-brick phenomenon was primarily seen on devices from the house of Samsung and Google.

If you are new to the dark side of Android you must be wondering What is Soft-Brick? Soft-Brick is a term used to define the state of an Android device where it shows some sign of life but can’t boot-up correctly or freezes on boot-logo during the process also referred to as Boot-Loop. This issue may arise when there is some software side issue on your device usually observed in the case of Android-Upgrade, Installing Camera Mods, or while installing a custom ROM. At this point of time, you must be wondering if this whole soft-brick situation arises due to some software problems then how can a wallpaper lead to this blunder. Let’s boot into the explanation. 

What Is Color Space?

To get a better picture of the root cause of this problem, you must know What is ‘Color Space’?

Color Space can be considered as a set of colors, usually derived from primary color gamut  i.e. Red, Green, and Blue (referred to as RGB for short). Color space defines the gamut in which you will see the output on your monitor screen or paper.

You may have witnessed a scenario in which you saw some vibrant image on your computer screen and tried printing it on a sheet of paper. But as you hold the print in your hand, all the excitement woes away because the image is not as vibrant and playful as you were expecting.

This problem arises due to the variation in color space defined by the monitor and the color space defined by your printing device.

What Is Color Space? and how faulty conversion can kill your Android Smartphone
What Is Color Space? and how faulty conversion can kill your Android Smartphone

Types Of Color Space

Some popular Color Spaces are as follows:

For Photography

  • sRGB
  • Adobe RGB
  • ProPhoto RGB

For Videography

  • DCI P3
  • Rec 709

That’s the point where the problem arises. Android devices make use of sRGB color space to display and decode images no matter the original color space of input image, it converts the image into sRGB image for the sake of efficiency and performance. For instance, If you feed-up and image whose color space is designed to be Adobe RGB and try to see the image on your Android Smartphone. Android OS itself converts the color space to less vibrant sRGB. The same goes for ProPhoto RGB images.

Then What’s The Problem

The problem lies within the conversion process itself. The conversion from any other format to sRGB format is done using a formula derived on the basis of ‘Pixel Luminacance’. Pixel Luminance is defined on the intensity of light while refactoring the value hex-values of color palette depending upon the mode of conversion. The formula is designed by keeping in mind that humans consume green color more dynamically as compared to Blue and Red,

The formula stands as “0.2126 * Red + 0.7152 * Green + 0.0722 * Blue” after adding up all these values the sum must be less than equal to 255.

But there is one pixel in the image whose evaluated value turns out to be more than 255 and hence the Android operating system can’t manipulate that one pixel which in turn creates a loop of error when you use the image as wallpaper of your Android Smartphone and therefore your device keeps rebooting until you hard-reset the smartphone.


Even though we don’t encourage you guys to use the mentioned image as home screen or lock screen for your Android Smartphone but if you dare to do so we are not responsible for any damage or regret followed by your decision.

If you really want to use the image as your wallpaper, you can follow the methods prescribed below to safely implicate the image as home screen or lock screen wallpaper for your device.

  • Use your computer or laptop to change the color space of the image.
  • Upload the image on any of the social media platforms (We prefer Weibo or Twitter) and download the image from there. This method will convert the space all by itself.
  • Take a screenshot of the image and use the screenshot instead of the original image.

That’s how a single pixel can kill your beloved smartphone After all the bustle around this flaw in the most loved operating system around the world, developers have taken charge to solve the problem with the upcoming Android 11 update. You can follow us on social media platforms to get the latest updates with the speed of light or you can download our app from Google Play Store.

Xiaomi Laptop To Make Its Debut In India On 11th June, #MakeEpicHappen

Xiaomi Laptop “Mi Notebook”
Xiaomi Laptop “Mi Notebook”

Xiaomi is ready to spread its hands into the India market of Laptops, This consumer space is currently lead by Lenevo, HP, and Dell.

Tomorrow, Xiaomi via. Its official Twitter handle confirmed that they are ready to launch the next big thing on 11th June at 12 noon (IST).

Xiaomi is hashing its upcoming laptop using #MakeEpicHappen over social media. The launch event scheduled for 11th June will be an Online-Only event in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. The event can be witnessed from any of the social media platforms of Xiaomi India and the YouTube channel of Xiaomi India as well.

Xiaomi is teasing that this laptop would be specially made for India consumers and most important of all, This laptop would come under the tag of “Make In India” that clearly denotes that the first-ever laptop from Xiaomi in India will be Made for India and will also support the Make in India campaign.

That’s not all, Xiaomi also revealed that the laptop would launch under the brand name of “Mi” and will be named as “Mi Notebook”. They also claim that the launch scheduled for 11th June will make the global debut of the same device.

We expect were expecting it to be a rebranded version of RedmiBook 13 that was recently launched in China. Although Xiaomi cleared the air around this manifestation.

Specs of upcoming Xiaomi Laptop “Mi Notebook”

  • Super-sleek design with Aluminium built
  • USB Type-C charging
  • 1C charging technology that can charge your laptop up to 50% within 30 minutes.
  • Full HD display(expected size 13”)
  • Powered by 10th gen intel core i7 processor
  • 512GB SSD
  • Lon-lasting battery (up to 17hrs.)
  • Expected price Rs.45,000.

That’s all for now, you can follow Tech Awareness over various social media platforms for updates and news with the speed of light.

You can download our app from Google Play Store as well.

Realme Smart TV became India’s Fastest-Selling Smart TV, On The First Sale

Realme Smart TV
Realme Smart TV

Realme Smart TV was launched on May 25th and today it went on sale for the first time and it broke all the selling records and became India’s fastest-selling smart TV on business as usual day.

Realme Smart TV is the first smart TV series from the house of realme and is available in two variants as of now i.e. 32” and 43” priced at Rs. 12,999 and Rs. 21,999 respectively.

Official claim was made by the main man himself Madhav Sheth, CEO realme Mobiles using his official Twitter account. Stating,

“We have created history again with #realmeSmartTV that we customised for India. 
15,000+ units sold in less than 10 minutes! 
By far the Fastest Sale by any TV brand in BAU days. 
Kudos to all, #realme is now on the journey to be the Most Popular Tech-lifestyle Brand.” 
- Madhav Sheth, CEO realme Mobiles
realme Smart TV Specifications
realme Smart TV Specifications

Specification of Realme Smart TV -:

  • Bright Bezel-less display with a maximum brightness of 400 nits
  • Chroma boost picture engine for a sharper and crisper image
  • 24 Watt quad-speaker setup with Dolby Audio Technology
  • Certified Android TV with Chromecast built-in
  • Powered by MediaTek quad-core processor
  • 1GB of RAM + 8GB storage
  • ARM Cortex A53 CPU and Mali-470 MP3 GPU
  • Support for HDR 10 and HLG formats
  • Support for 5000+ Android Apps made for TV
  • All in one Smart remote with dedicated keys for ‘Google Assistant’, ‘Netflix’, and ‘Prime Videos’.
  • Wi-Fi (2.4Ghz) and Bluetooth 5.0 built-in

A 55” variant is also in works and will be revealed soon, stick to social media handles of Tech Awareness for more updates.

You can download Tech Awareness App from Google Play Store as well.

How To Uninstall Chinese Apps Become Trending These Days In India

How To Use
How To Use "Remove China Apps" | How To Uninstall Chinese Apps

“How To Uninstall Chinese Apps” become trending these days in India over social for quite a while, due to various reasons like the rivalry between creators of TikTok and YouTube that lead to a trend “TikTok vs YouTube” this tussle has gone way too wild and disruptive after a roast video of CarryMinati was deleted by YouTube stating guidelines violations, The matter of fact is, that deleted video broke various records. Contemplating with this whole “TikTok vs YouTube” rivalry our Honorable Prime Minister also requested citizens to become “Aatm-Nirbhar” (Self-Dependent) and use products with Indian origin.

After all these postulations, An app went live on Play Store that tracks down any installed Chinese app on your device and helps you uninstall to support any of the above-mentioned causes. The app is named “Remove China Apps”.

How To Uninstall Chinese Apps Become Trending After TikTok vs YouTube:

The app is developed by “OneTouch AppLabs” and already got more than a million downloads in an amazingly short span of time. This app doesn’t even serve any sort of advertisement.

It scans all the apps on your smartphone and points out the apps whose country of origin is China or whose developer belongs to China in any sort of sense. It got an average user rating of 4.8.

How To Uninstall Chinese Apps Become Trending These Days
How To Use “Remove China Apps” | How To Uninstall Chinese Apps

Here’s How To Use “Remove China Apps” and Uninstall Chinese Apps-:

  1. Install the app from Google Play Store, Please avoid downloading from other APK publishing websites.
  2. After installing the app, launch the app.
  3. A scan now button will appear at the bottom part of your screen, Tap on the button and scan will start.
  4. It may take a few minutes depending upon the number of apps installed on your device.
  5. After completion of the scan, a list will appear mentioning the names of all the apps whose developer belongs to China.
  6. You can uninstall the apps from the list itself by tapping on the Bin button in red color.

This application was developed for educational purposes only to identify the country of origin of a certain application, The developer does not promote or force people to uninstall any of the application. Detecting the country of origin is based on market research.

That’s all for now, you can follow Tech Awareness over various social media platforms for more such tips and news and you can install our Tech Awareness app from Google Play Store.

Top 10 Android Apps To Look Out For In June 2020

Top 10 Android Apps
Top 10 Android Apps

With each passing year we are left more in awe of what our smartphones are capable of and in turn the apps that help make them great. From the top Android flagships to the best value budget phones, a few taps is all that’s needed to place a takeout order, live stream your local news, or send your friends a funny GIF. If you’re looking to get really fancy, you can even call people, too.

Thus in this post we will have a brief overview of apps that you must try this month.

Aarogya Setu
Aarogya Setu
Aarogya Setu

As You Know That Now we are in a very difficult situation. The whole country is suffering from an infection called Novel Coronavirus disease (COVID-19). In these situations, rather than being overly scared, we need to know the facts and understand how we should deal with the virus. We must first get out of the illusion that everything seen or heard is true.  Otherwise, man’s life is threatened. Fear of losing a person has a greater impact. That is why when a person is in a life-threatening situation, we must first give them courage.

The central government has come up with an application called ‘AAROGYA SETU’ for the purpose of finding out how to spread/take care of the Novel Coronavirus disease or make it known to all. You can find out what coronavirus symptoms are not. You can also find out if you have someone with similar symptoms

Download -: Google Play Store


Music has always been an integral part of every Indian’s daily lifestyle, but the ways of consumption have been different based on the advancement of technology with each passing year. The current digital technology driven by the power of the internet has made various music collections available at fingertips right from the early days of Bollywood to the current rap and remix age of Bollywood.

Any discussion on music streaming apps cannot be put to rest without the mention of Spotify. The algorithm is user friendly and suggestions are best curated based on the interest of the users. The business model is freemium, i.e a mix of free subscription and paid plans. If you are interested in listening to high-quality music with exclusive albums, then Spotify is the service that you should checkout.

Download -: Google Play Store

YouTube Music- Stream Songs & Music Videos
Youtube Music
Youtube Music

Probably the biggest threat to other music streaming apps in India at the moment. The biggest plus point for YouTube music is the option of having video and music only playback in the same app. All videos uploaded on the YouTube service by mainstream artists are available as music in YouTube music streaming app. The algorithm is beautifully created to give out the best recommendations based on the user’s music streaming history. It also offers a ton of regional, national, and international content, and one can enjoy it for free of cost.

Download -: Google Play Store


The world is obsessed with productivity. We all want to know how to get things done more quickly and with less effort, improve our time management skills, and lead more productive, fulfilling lives. It is among the top tracking apps that keep you on track with your daily goals. The best task management app comes with an intuitive UI offering different features that will keep track of the daily progress. At the top corner of the app, you will see the Todoist Karma number where all the numbers sum up and indicate your progress. Apart from this, you can also manage other things via adding tools to the app. It can delegate tasks to people in shared projects. It overviews the daily and weekly accomplishment. Real-time sync on multiple devices is available. Integration on over 60 platforms for better management

Download -: Google Play Store


It is an app to manage your notes efficiently. What else can get better than having your best idea besides you every time? It gives you a chance to keep either your work-related professional draft or personal notes on your smartphone. You can keep as many notes as you want on the Evernote and the notes can be further kept as long as you desire without worrying about losing on even a little information stored on your own app. It packs an easy-to-format word processor. It syncs data on multiple devices. It can be used as a planner. You can save files in multiple formats like text, sketches, photos, etc. You can annotate documents with comments and more.

Download -: Google Play Store

ZOOM Cloud Meetings app
ZOOM Cloud Meeting
ZOOM Cloud Meeting

Zoom brings teams together to get more done in a frictionless environment. Zoom’s reliable, video-first unified communications platform provides video meetings, voice, and chat across desktops, phones, mobile devices, and conference systems. Zoom is a great tool for businesses that need to stay in touch with clients. Not only does Zoom’s high-quality video create seamless digital customer experiences, but you can also use Zoom to decrease cancellations and missed meetings.

Zoom app is very simple to install and easy to use. It offers free online video meetings for up to 40 minutes. It can be used anywhere anytime like online video classes in school, college. Professionals are taking client meetings on this app. It provides crystal clear HD videos with clear audio.

Download -: Google Play Store


As we know we can order/book our mobile phones, grocery, food, etc online. We can also order medicine online through various medicine apps. Our health issues are our main priority. This online medicine app is very helpful to Order Medicines Online, Book Lab Tests, Consult Doctors Online, Read Health Tips, and View Medicine Information. We can get our medicines & health products delivered at home within the same day or next day delivery. This app delivers medicine in 1000+ cities. We can order Homeopathy & Ayurvedic medicines, medical devices, health supplements, personal hygiene & more.

Download -: Google Play Store

Practo - Consult Doctors Online & Book Appointment

Practo is more than just an app for booking online doctor appointments. It is a one-stop-shop for all your medical needs where you can Book doctor appointments, Consult & chat with a doctor online 24×7, Buy affordable family health plans, Maintain digital health records, Read free & regular health tips and we can Consult top doctors online Free, Daily 5 pm to 6 pm.

We can buy healthcare products, OTC products, and medical equipment online. We can also book diagnostic tests, including online blood tests, full-body checkups, and other preventive health check-ups at affordable costs from the convenience of your home.

Download -: Google Play Store

Storytel: Audiobooks and E-books

Storytel app is based on Audiobooks and E-books. You can listen or read the books that you love- anytime, anywhere. This app is a collection of thousands of books like bestsellers, award-winning, thrillers, breathtaking novels, powerful biography, and much more. This app is made not only for adults, but children can also explore their favorite books. When you open this app for the first time. it will ask to create a storytel account or login from the Facebook account. We can also try this app for 14 days free of cost. After login, you have to select your country and your preferred language. You can choose one or more languages so that the app customizes the title visible to you.

Download -: Google Play Store

The Kreator
The Kreator
The Kreator

Kreator is a game that every stress guy out there will strive for as this game got some enchanting and soul-soothing vibe to it. Kreator is a simple tap to play app coupled with relaxing and reviving sounds and graphics. The game is relatively new on Google Play Store even though it got more than 50k download with an average user rating of 4.3. Now let’s jump into more details of this app. Kreator is a game build on the principle of soothing graphics, Graphics under this category are created keeping in mind reviving requirement of eyes and thus make use of calming colors and soft edges to elements. You may not notice this at first but as you go along you will witness its effect on you, your eyes, and your brain. This game offers more than 12 conciliating tracks and I am pretty sure that these tracks will help you tranquilize yourself and will definitely help you increase your focus and concentration. As you proceed in this game the strength and speed of music increase as well adding a more dynamic and intriguing punch to your gameplay experience.

Download -: Google Play Store

That’s all for now. For the latest news and updates, you can follow Tech Awareness on Twitter and various other social media platforms.

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