At CES 2020 in Las Vegas so many big and small brands turned up to showcase their products and among them, the French health tech startup comes with the headband in order to improve your sleep during night time i.e Urgonight Headband for better sleep at night. The headband works through the app by measuring the EEG of the person. These headbands help us by using games, that will work by controlling the waves that are responsible for sleep.
This device underwent clinical trials and it is found the neurofeedback method of the device has the ability to make the people fall asleep 40% faster. This neurofeedback headband helps people to train their brain during day time so that people can get better sleep at night. It is designed to be used for 20 minutes a day, thrice in a week.

With Urgonight Headband View Brain Activity For Better Sleep At Night
Urgonight headband is one of the interesting devices that took its place at CES. Users can use it anyplace and it comes with two electrodes for detecting brain activity. While using this headband, users can view their brain activity by using an iOS/Android app. There are so many apps and fitness bands to track the sleep pattern but this headband will train your brain as well to learn how to sleep better.
The headband is designed in a way that will teach you how to identify and change your behavior by using different exercises. These exercises will give you some tasks to complete like drawing relaxing patterns and on the basis of tasks, you will get some score aiming for better sleep at night. To guide the user in order to improve the score, a virtual guide will also be there.
The headband is lightweight and so easy to wear and will be available in the market by the month of June at the cost of $500. However, it is advisable that before using any device regarding your health, first, you should consult physicians related to any doubt if you have.