Running Android On iPhone

    Running Android On iPhone
    Running Android On iPhone

    Running Android On iPhone: Running Android OS on an iPhone is feel like imagination but now this is become reality as Nick Lee CTO of development studio Tendigi. He previously runs Windows 95 on Apple Watch and now he came with another unbelievable thing running Android OS in iPhone. As he written in his blog about it, As he was able to run it by making iPhone custom built case.

    • As from the video we can see that Lee built case by 3D printer he attach it to iPhone lighting port for the reference he takes a Nexus 5 and an 8-core, 64-bit ARM Cortex-A53 processor. So this is part requires to run Android on iPhone Lee also created an App to communicate iPhone to run with the device.
    Running Android On iPhone
    Running Android On iPhone

    Running Android On iPhone:

    • Using Android in iPhone feels different but the performance is not upto marks while Lee shown in the video using Apps,WiFi and opening Play works nice. Lee has cloned the Android Open Source Project to run this as said by him on his blog.
    • Lee created the case by 3D printer by himself which is also crafted by him. The case looks good but there is no terms for beauty as device works wonderful. The case has SD card, HDMI and
    Case For Running Android On iPhone
    Case For Running Android On iPhone
    • By doing this type of tricks like running whole Windows in Apple Watch or running Android on iPhone which most credible job. As all credit goes to Lee for more details you can visit his blog.


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