List Of The Apps Which May Infect Your Phones From Agent Smith Virus


A new malware named Agent Smith, Named after “Agent Smith” described in matrix trilogy famously describes the human race as a species that multiplies until every resource is consumed. In reality, it is the “Agent Smith” of the mobile malware world that is the real virus – and is spreading at alarming rates. This virus has already infected 25 million devices. Agent Smith doesn’t steal your data, But shows you full-screen advertisements and try to steal your credit data and produces the details to the advertiser. India has by far the most infections. The Check Point research indicates some 15 million devices carrying Agent Smith. The next closest country is Bangladesh, with around 2.5 million devices infected. There were over 300,000 Agent Smith infections in the US and around 137,000 in the UK.

How Agent Smith Works?

How Agent Smith Works
How Agent Smith Works

Firstly, Smith forces you to install some of the famous applications such as MX player, ShareIt and Whatsapp from sources other than that of play stores like 9 Apps and Aptodite. These apps include some encrypted malicious code that checks for some targeted apps as per predefined lists by the hackers. Secondly, Hacker tries to get control over victims device than, they decrypted the malicious code in victims device as a normal APK, That is the main part of this agent smith attack, After decrypting the code hackers install the core malware without any interaction from the user. Thirdly, Core malware conduct attack on every installed application that appears onto its targeted list. It silently extracts the innocent app and inject some malicious code into it and swap the innocent app with the infected one.

How To Protect Our Devices From Agent Smith?

Don’t install applications from third-party sites, Even if you are getting paid apps for free. You have to keep in mind that if you are getting something for free it will be benefiting the developer in one way or the other. If suspicious activity is seen on your device, Try deleting user data from some popular apps like MX Player, Whatsapp, and ShareIt. Otherwise, reinstall these apps. Perform a factory reset. While installing an app, Keep an eye on the permission section i.e. what type of permissions are required to install this app. For example, a music player app should not ask for camera access or contact permission.

List Of The Apps Infected With Agent Smith:- Here is a list of apps that are infected with Agent Smith Virus, If you have any of them uninstall them as soon as possible (preferably immediately).
● Ludo Master – New Ludo Game 2019 For Free
● Sky Warriors: General Attack Photo Projector
● Gun Hero – Gunman Game for Free
● Cooking Witch
● Shooting Jet
● Photo Projector
● Gun Hero – Gunman Game for Free
● Cooking Witch
● Blockman Go: Free Realms & Mini-Games
● Crazy Juicer – Hot Knife Hit Game & Juice Blast

Agent Smith Android Virus Infect 25 Million Devices
Agent Smith Android Virus Infect 25 Million Devices

Conclusion:- Prevent your devices from malicious software, ensure that you install apps from Google Play Store for Android, App Store for iOS, etc. Agent Smith is one such trending malware that is attacking apps on Android devices with too much-unwanted adverts.

Agent Smith Android Apps Inclusion
Agent Smith Android Apps Inclusion


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