Apple’s iPhone XS has been a really best iPhone ever created “yeah” I am using same Apple’s boring marketing terms which we always heard in Apple’s keynote. But one of the best things which Apple tells us about its new iPhone is not its Camera, Dual Sim or Display but it’s Powerhouse A12 Bionic Chipset. As we don’t know many capabilities of Apple newest chip as most of the apps or functionality of our phone run on previous iPhones perfectly so why the use of 50% Faster CPU speed or having NPU or anything else.
We have seen that Apple devices are proved really effective in term of longevity as talk about recent most outdated iPhone who’s support Apple recent iOS 12 update, yeah you guessed it right iPhone 5S, it was released in way back 2013 as it was termed as “Forward Thinking” smartphone but when we compare iPhone 5S with that time iPhone 5 we can possibly think that it has TouchID and Gold variant but nothing else, but the main ingredient it that Apple’s A7 Chipset which is the Industry First 64-Bit Desktop Class Architecture after a year we really seen apps really focused it grasp more power from A7 as Apps becomes faster and more advanced than ever we can convert video or edit photo, easily multi between apps and much more.

Talking about A12 Bionic Apple really made some breakthrough in terms of the mobile chipset as it becomes more efficient, more powerful as it even matches some of your laptop performance or even outpaced them. So let take some of the most important we may miss about A12 Bionic
Industry First 7nm Chipset

Yes, we know Huawei already claims this title but Apple is first company who gives a user the experience of 7nm Chipset. Due to this fact Apple able to packed for over 6.9 Billion Transistor in that chipset. Smallest chip makes chipset more power efficient and more transistor logic which add more power to a device. As smallest chip creates more space for Apple to add NPU and much other stuff in this chipset.
As Moore’s Law is finally reaching to its potential we will have to see how Apple will achieve the next way to add processing to our devices either they enter in Quantum Computing or anything else.
Performance Cores and Efficiency Cores

This time Apple hasn’t much focus on Cores increment as they kept the number of Core same as A12 Bionic Chipset is still a Hex-Core CPU same as previous A11 Bionic. But the smallest chipset adds more space to make the Cores efficient and faster as Performance Cores are 15% Faster and Efficiency Cores and 50% Energy Efficient as compared with A11 Bionic which means faster processing of apps even half the energy consumption.
Performance really increases in iPhone XS as app opening time is really faster opening basic Apple apps won’t take a flick of sec while opening games are really fast when we compared with iPhone X.
Due to this fact its help Apple to decrease battery size of iPhone XS up to 19% but without any battery performance as it is capable of giving 30 min more battery life than iPhone X.
A Separate NPU

You may see AI performance throughout your smartphone since from the first iPhone as Apple applied AI in first iPhone virtual keyboard since then we have seen many good examples of AI as Siri, Suggestion based on Time or Place, Learning from your habit and show what you want these things really changes the way we see our smartphone. Providing these result your smartphone phone have to work proactively even when you are not using them so provide you result on time and it requires smartphone power to lower some performance power to CPU Apple has added a separate NPU (Neural Processing Unit) which can takes up to 5 Trillion Instruction Per Sec as this thing help iPhone XS to perform better AR performance as some example Apple show in there event about real-time Basketball Shot tracking app which work through AR and analyze your shots as this first example what we can do with this NPU performance but as the time passes we will be able to see much more.

NPU Chipset also allows performing fast Machine Learning as in the test it performs 9 Times faster ML than iPhone X chipset.

iPhone XS Camera has become better than ever as Apple added new Smart HDR Feature which captures around 10 Shots a time with the inclusion of Shadow, Depth, Contrast, Sunlight and much more and then the smartphone combine these things together and show us the better result possible and this trick really effects. As some of the sample shot from iPhone XS, we can be able to capture photos in Direct Sunlight, Background looks more clear and having better contrast in each picture.

Capturing a picture is a really tedious job for your phone as it requires around trillions of operation to provide your best shot possible and all these things are really possible through this chipset.

In terms of Performance Apple already the king in Benchmark industry for quite a while as their always been tough competitions with counterparts each time but somehow Apple manages to remain on the top still. As Apple compares their Camera from DSLR when we compare Apple smartphone performance to PC there are now only margins left between the performance as Apple smartphone chipset show they better than their PC counterpart if compared it with Intel processors.
During the Geekbench Score of iPhone X and Apple MacBook Pro 2016 iPhone literally beats MacBook with a little margin but this year as Apple introduces more faster and better chipset the result would be much different so we have to see how far will Apple go with this.
So these are some fact which you may experience from iPhone XS in a day to day life. As technology evolves and tries to get better every day so how much we will it go?
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