Rise In Use Of Apple Product: Suggested By Survey Conducted By Jamf

    Rise In Use Of Apple Product By Jamf Survey
    Rise In Use Of Apple Product By Jamf Survey

    Rise In Use Of Apple Product: Suggested By Survey Conducted By Jamf: Annual survey report of Jamf has out highlighted the rise in using the Apple Products in business, education, and in IT professionals. The makers of Apple device management software Jamf released its Annual Jamf survey which provides the use of Apple Product in the enterprises, use of Apple products is an increase in the enterprises. Both Mac and iOS has shown the rise in their use.

    Jamf Annual Survey Report That Increase In Use Of Apple Product:

    Data suggests ninety-one percent of business use Mac while ninety-nine percent use iPhone or iPad. The reason for an increase in the adoption of Apple devices in the enterprises is the use of Mac is comparatively easier than PC in deployment, security, device configuration, software and app development and support and same is the reason for iOS than other mobile devices.

    These data were prepared on the basis of the survey done on 300 IT professionals, managers and executives from the commercial organization of 50 to 10,000+ employees all over the world done in January 2017. Mac adoption increases to 74% while in iPhone 76% rise has seen in 2016 compared to previous years.

    Apart from business, the demand for Apple devices is also in education. To improve the quality of education over 70% OF K12 schools use Mac and about 90% are using iPad. In higher education also use of Mac and iOS also rise with the use of 80% Mac and 94% iOS. The reason for adopting Mac and iOS in education was also found that it was easy to manage and use.

    From the survey, 62% users said Mac is easier to use than PC and 93% said iPhone and iPad are easier than other phones. The user-friendly interface provided by Apple is also very successful as the users solve the problem in their device on their own which make lesser them dependent on other support and if the problem in the device rises, Apple provides world-class support and solve the issues.

    The report also highlighted the IBM’s achievement on making Mac. About 90,000 employees are using Mac which makes the IBM to reached its goal of deploying 100,000 Mac. IBM stated that they are saving about $265 per Mac than windows.


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