Samsung Galaxy Note 8: Rumors For Release: You all must be very very familiar with the latest Samsung Galaxy Note 7 recall, incidents & its full story. Due to the incidents & non-user friendly behaviors of the galaxy Note series that was launched this year, the company may cancel the launch of its successor i.e. Note 8 this year. According to sources, Samsung may indefinitely cancel the Note series & may only focus onto the Mainstream line up’s, So that the surrounding problems that are currently associated with the series may get into some lower focus from the Samsung users.
Samsung Galaxy Note 8: Rumors For Release:
As Samsung is also ready to launch its Galaxy S8 smartphone instead, it may be planning to create a fully focused environment to bring a refined quality product to the users. Rumors are also there about the rushed out launch of the Note 7 to compete with the iPhone 7 & 7 Plus that had made a very unsuccessful working environment all around.

As I have also talked about the possibilities for the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 failure in the previous articles, still Samsung is unaware of the exact cause of the explosions for their disastrous product. Although it has yet not disclosed public ally any of the plans regarding the release of any Note series lineups.
It is also noted that Samsung may rework with the Note 8 for its safety & improvised quality & also change its name before the release in order to pull out the Note 7 name from the consumers mind. So rumors are peaking up with the release & name of the next from samsung for what it will be labeled as. Lets hope for some good news & a good-safe product from Samsung this time.