TouchSwitcher and Rocket Will Surely Enhance Your MacBook Pro TouchBar

    TouchSwitcher and Rocket Will Surely Enhance Your MacBook Pro TouchBar
    TouchSwitcher and Rocket Will Surely Enhance Your MacBook Pro TouchBar

    TouchSwitcher and Rocket Will Surely Enhance MacBook Pro TouchBar: MacBook Pro TouchBar opens many possibilities that are hidden behind Mac NonTouch Screen. As many third parties show many possibilities of Touch Bar which can easy user work as they provide easier shortcut right under your hand. The user can still access the old function bar by pressing Fn Key and TouchBar shows all the function button. There is two third parties app which TouchBar more usable and easily accessible, as these apps allow user use new TouchBar in NonTouchBar Devices while also increase some functionality of the TouchBar.


    TouchSwitcher adds an icon on the TouchBar as which app you open on Dock and user can see all the apps by pressing Command + Tab from Keyboard.

    TouchSwitcher Running on MacBook Pro
    TouchSwitcher Running on MacBook Pro

    TouchSwitcher has only one limitation while using on TouchBar as this was discovered by TouchSwitcher’s developers is that only one non-system control can be displayed in the right-hand strip, as other Apple function button also tackling for space.

    As you playing music from iTunes TouchSwitcher must be restarted to make it reappear in the control strip. While to access control button you must quit an app.


    Rocket app lets a user access TouchBar with more variety of function key so a user can easily interact with a user, Rocket is a standalone app that can be invoked using a keyboard shortcut. The shortcut is displayed on the left side of the TouchBar.

    MacBook Pro Running Rocket
    MacBook Pro Running Rocket

    You can download this app from Free website. TouchSwitcher and Rocket can be downloaded here.


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